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Annabel Araico Creations

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25 janvier 2021

2020 = Le retour des fées d'Annabel !!!!

Je suis de retour !!!!!


L'annee 2020 a été merdique mais voila que c'est le confinement qui m'a pousser a reouvrir mes boites hobby . Et des nouvelles fées sont nées !! 

Cetait un déefi de reprendre par peur d'avoir tout oublié en plus d'etre devenu super exigente pour le resultat final 

Je vous embarque du coup pour une nouvelle eposide de creation, astuces, tutoriel , etc 

Contente de connecter avce vous 

Voici les quelques nouvelle creations 2020 :









14 mars 2016

WIP = the dream safe keeper

hey people !! Such a loong time ..well you know how it goes ...

But I was really happy to pickup my clay again and work on so many projects I left behind ...

Remeber this cutie ?


Now , check out what she's becoming ...

I combined the polymer clay upperbody with (very cheap) airdrying clay form the Action shop


I was really impressed beacuse the clay ended up to be marvelous !! Soo nice to work with ..its easy to smooth , kinda elastic...its doesnt crumble thats for sure !!! The clay allowed me to create the impression of movement"

So this is what came out :


After letting dry completely , I added the arms and hands..the left one holds a glass marble ...not easy to keep in place, because the marble is just too heavy ...

Then came the hair ( made with the Action clay ) and the floral decoration ( made with the fIMO clay ) ...




So this figure isnt finshed yet !!

still need to add some extra flowers ....and because I fixed all polymer clay parts with the heatgun , I still need to fire this whole creating one time in the oven to be sure the clay is cured as it should !!!

En then I ll have to paint ... tricky one again ahahahah

So I hope having some new WIP pictures for you after this weekend ...

take care


11 novembre 2014

Masquerade on toxic Soil : new doll + WIP

hello , 

... I was very happy to finally finish a doll ment for a contest in Holland. The "theme "of the contest was "masquerade" and  dont ask where it came from but I though of a very trash stampunk doll ...not really my style ahhaha....anyway this doll was a realy blast , soooo fun to make !!

OK , I started with the doll's head and upperbody , as usual. Completely made of fimo polymer clay :
















The lower body ( dress) was made of air dry clay . I smoothed the edges with a wet paintbrush and let it dry for a few days .















Then I made the "steampunk" elements with bits and pieces and unified the color with brown paint and gold metallic marker . The gas mask was made with clay and tiny bells, the breathing tube was made with the bendable part of a straw and the aerochamber was a tiny glass bottle put upside down .

















The arms and the flower are made of polymer clay but added much later .

The hair was made of pieces of fluffly-like knitting thead I bought at Zeeman .







Some pictures of the finished creation :




22 juillet 2014

Chakra Swirl : WIP

"Chakra Swirl ": my idea was of making a woman caught in a magical  swirl of precious stones,representing all the chakras in the body .

l'idee est de creer une femme dans une sprirale pleine de pierres precieuses representant tous les 7 chakras dans le corps.

New Imagehihoi

I started with the head and torso made of polymer clay completely made with polymer clay Fimo. Still need to add the arms and hair . The biggest challenge will be creating the swirl -spiral with metallic wire ..Ttill figuring out how Im gonna do this ..with a touch of magic Im sure it might work out hihihi

 J'ai commencé avec la sculpture de la tete et du torso , completement fait en pate polymer Fimo Deuxieme etape sera l'addition des bras et des cheveux . Mon challenge consistera à creer le spirale avec du fil metallique...toujours en train de me demander comment je vais m'y prendre hihihi ...avce une touche de magie tout sera possible hihih



i hope I will not offend anyone with the shown nudity . It will be covered up with metallic wire and stones afterwards.J'espere n'offendre personne avec les photos montrant de la nudité ...elle sera recouverte avce du fil metallic et pierres egalement par apres ...

to be continued very soon - la suite à tres bientot


19 novembre 2013

new fairy collages

hey dear friends, sorry for not giving any sign of life for quiet some time ..well...eveything Ok here but Im trying to be an artist , a wife, a mother, a workaholic all at the same time which isnt that easy ... sounds familiar ???

Unfortunately I have not made a single fimo creation ... nothing cmes out as I wish so they end up in the waist bin (poor thing ) .I only had some time to make fairy collages ...They are all given to friends.

I hope you 'll enjoy them too :





24 septembre 2013

CONCOURS !!gagnez le livre "Fleurs en relief" de Création my way !!!

Découvrez le livre de Florence Minne-Khou, alias - Création my way

 "Fleurs en relief" en pâte polymère

 Visitez son blog :

et participez à son super concours ! gagnez le livre "Fleurs en relief" de Création my way !!


Comme pour son premier livre, elle organise une petite loterie promotionnelle.

 Il y a trois livres à gagner !!!!! (avec une petite dédicace perso)

Règles de la loterie:

1) Laisser un petit message (même court) au bas de l' article de mon blog avant le mercredi 25 septembre

2) (au choix)

Sur Facebook: cliquer sur  "Partager" l'article. 

Sur votre blog: Copier/coller l’article avec la photo du livre (ci-dessous en encadré)

 Donc, Visitez son blog : et bonne chance !!!!

27 août 2013

Nex creation : CARACOLE (+ wip pictures)

How sad is it… having so much creations standing on my table and not one is completely finished ppff…But hey , miracles do exist , and this is how my little “Caracol” was born ...She too was taking a lot of dust before she got finished. She waited to come out on a rainy afternoon I guess hihi

C’est quand même triste …J’ai tellement des créations sur ma table et aucune qui est finie ppff..Mais ,hey , les miracles existent et voici comment ma petite « Caracole » est née…elle aussi, était en train de prendre de la poussière avant d’être finalement achevée . Elle a attendu la pluie avant de ne sortir de sa coquille je suppose  hihih



She is completely made out of polymer clay ( Fimo ) and the shell on her back is a real one . Her body  is painted with gouache paint ( not the ideal paint for polymer clay , I know, but I  really like working with them !! ) .

The hair are tiny plugs of artificial fur . The grass is artificial too , but looking very real huh ??

Elle est complétement faite en pate polymère ( fimo) et la coquille est un vrai exemplaire . Le corps est peint avec de la gouache ( qui est , c’est vrai, pas très idéale pour peindre de la pâte polymère  mais moi j’adooooore travailler avec ).

Les cheveux sont en fait de petits bouts de fourrure artificielle et l’herbe sur laquelle elle repose est artificielle aussi mais elle à l’air vrai , non ?



Little anecdote : the facial features ( check, lips, ..) are being “blushed” with real make up (blush)  . Even the cheap ones  (like mine hihi ) are doing very well . I don’t like the face features blushed with paint , its looks so unnatural( to me ) …


Petite anecdote : le visage à été rehaussé avec du vrai maquillage ( du blush) . même le moins chers  (comme le mien ) fait très bien l’affaire . Je n’aime pas du tout travailler avec de la peinture sur le visage car cela ne fait pas naturel (opinion perso , quoi )  




14 juin 2013

WIP : fairy getting haircut and wings !!

Thinking about the hairlook for this fairy I just  came by a field full of « meadow barly » (thanks , Google hihi) .

En pensant à une  coiffure pour ma creation, me voilà que je passe devant un champ plein d’ Orge faux-seigle (merci google hih)



And check out the result , how cool it that , very “afro” ahahha:

I spent 3 hours ( but very fun ones) adding  tiny plugs one by one on the head ; I first added some fress clay on the back of the head so I could insert the tiny plugs

Et voila ce que ce donne , cool hein . Très afro hihih

Comment j’ai fait ?  j’ai ajouté  un bout de pate fimo fraiche sur la tête  dans laquelle j’ai appliqué, un par un , des petits bouts d’orge. Je me suis amusé pendant 3 heures avec ça hhaahaha

DSCN0469     DSCN0470 


As I started working with natural material so  why not continue on the wings …with maple tree seeds !!! Yeah !!! And its seems the ideal time of the year to find them .There’s  just a maple tree in the urban playground my son loves to play hihih . They are falling down like helicopters…how spectacular nature can be !!

Comme j’ai commencé à travailler avec des matériaux naturels pour les cheveux , pourquoi pas continuer avec les ailes …faites avec des fruit d’érable !!! Il semble être le temps idéal pour les trouver . Il y a juste un érable dans le parc ou mon fils adore jouer …IDEAL !! Ils tombent  comme des hélicoptères vers le bas …la nature peut  être spectaculaire , il faut le dire !!


Now my challenge consists in transforming these seeds into fairy wings …When removing  the ball shaped point I discovered a hollow space where I could introduce a metallic wire . The seed is sealed and strengthened with varnish but because I had none I used white glue instead fine too !!

I ‘ll just have to accept  that even with the glue fixing , the wings will remain very fragile ..but that’s just what makes the charm ahhaha …I guess …


Maintenant il fallait que je transforme ces fruits d’arbre en ailes de fees …

En enlevant la petite boule à l’extrémité , j’ai découvert un creux dans laquelle j’ai pu introduire un fil en métal . Le fruit est alors protégé et renforcé avec du vernis mais comme je n’en avait pas , j’ai utilisé de la colle blanche à la place ..marche très bien aussi !!

Je dois juste me mettre à l’évidence que les ailes, malgré le renforcement , resterons très fragiles …mais bon, c’est ça qui fait le charme hahahah ..enfin je croix …


Tatssaaaa… this is what the wings look like on the fairy ..not bad at all :-)

 Tatssaaa..voilà les ailes sur la fée …pas mal non ?? :-) 





9 juin 2013

a fairy ... a pixie ...I still dont know

Ive been working on a fairy like figure this weekend and I dont know how she will end up ...she could be a forest fairy , a pixie , a firefly ...we'll see :-)

Here are some WIP pictures. She's completely made of polymer clay fimo and she has been build up and precured with help of my cool heatgun ...and yep , she has lost an ear while I was taking a picture ..ppff ....pre-cured fairy ears (with heatgun) are the  first to break off ...hahaha




yep , you may have noticed that the back of the head is very flat , but thats done on purpose : If you add hair afterwards, it will end up looking more natural . otherwise you might get the "the wig is too big on my head" -feeling ahhahaha

Now she's going into the oven for a normal cure before  I start adding the arms ....

7 juin 2013

heat gun is such a cool sculpting tool !!!!

Ok , a heat gun is normally used for embossing but this great tool is also great for making dolls .


let me explain how it works (for me :-))  :

When I make complex sculptures I need to work in several stages  and every stage needs to be baked off so it would not collapse while sculpting on it ...and sometimes its just for baking a single leg ..what a waist of time and energy .

Well, the heat gun gives you the possibilty to bake off a a precise spot without using the oven and allows you to bake the arm you just have added and you dont need to put the complete figure into the oven , how cool is that !!!!

DSCN0432  It take juste a minute or three to prebake a small head .

 But be carefull with several things :

- the heat gun is very hot so dont put the gun too close to your figure (and your fingers hahaha)  because it may get burned bad !!!

- dont touch your figure just after heating !! Let you figure cool off before you pick it up again , the warm clay is very soft !!

-  Be carefull :the polymer clay is "prebaked" so its not fully cured and although it feels hard , it remaines  very fragile and can break off very easily so handle your figure  with care while sculpting on it again  !!!!!! This means that , curing with a heatgun doesnt replace baking with the oven. Just use the heatgun for prebaking in between the sculpting and then you need bake off your complete figure one last time in the oven as usual !!!!

have fun !!!



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Annabel Araico Creations
Annabel Araico Creations